Back Pain

Back Pain Boston

Back pain is very uncomfortable for people of all ages, and can many times lead to depression. As we get older it is one of the primary reasons for people not being able to go to work. As we age many of us commonly complain of back pain because of degenerative disk disease. This affects parts of the lower back, including the vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, and nerves.

In many cases, back pain can be alleviated by a variety of treatments including correct body mechanics. Surgery is rarely used to treat pain in the lower back. If you are interested in easing back pain, you may be a candidate for Prolotherapy. This treatment by Dr. Franchi of Boston Prolotherapy & Orthopedics focuses on a series of injections to start the recovery process and promote healing. Dr. Franchi has helped hundreds of patient return to work.

Causes of Back Pain

The back is a series of discs, bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. If you have back pain, your medical provider will use imaging tests to determine the cause and the affected area. Common causes of the back pain include:

1. Structural Issues

The human spine features interlocking bones that are stacked on top of each other called vertebrae. The space between each vertebrae is occupied by protective tissue named discs. If the discs rupture, herniate, or bulge, you will experience back pain. People with degenerative disc disease will quite often develop sacroiliac instability which is a very common cause of lower back pain. Although Prolotherapy does not treat disc problems, it is very effective for sacroiliac instability.

2. Strain

Sleeping at an awkward angle, using the wrong form during workouts, and lifting heavy objects can result in a pulled muscle or ligament in your back. You can also strain back muscles from over-activity, such as prolonged sports sessions without intermittent rest.

3. Poor Posture

Many people spend hours every day hunched over their computers and develop back and neck pain. Maintaining proper posture and taking regular breaks from your computer, even for just a few minutes can help immensely.

Your work could also be placing you at a higher risk of developing back pain. Occupations such as construction, warehousing, landscaping, gardening, and working with patients in a nursing home are among the riskiest activities.

When to See a Physician

Many episodes of back pain can resolve after a few days or weeks. It is best to consult a physician if the pain is severe or ongoing. Back pain can be accompanied by other symptoms that warrant medical care, including:

1. Sudden Weight Loss

If you lose a lot of weight unexpectedly without trying, you should have your back checked by a physician.

2. Fever

Back pain that is accompanied by fever can indicate a severe infection. Sweats, chills, and other flu-like symptoms can also indicate an infection.

3. Trauma and Injury

If your back pain results from a car accident, sports injury, serious fall, or another severe trauma, you should immediately consult a doctor.

4. Numbness or Tingling Sensation

Shooting pain down your legs or arms is an indication of nerve compression in your spine, and you should call your physician as soon as possible.

5. Loss of Bladder Control

Loss of bladder control is an emergency and may indicate cauda equina syndrome. It requires immediate attention and you should go as soon as possible to an emergency room.

Back Pain Treatment

Some common treatments include:

1. Medication

There are many over-the-counter remedies available to relieve back pain. After working with your pharmacist and the pain persists, it could be time for a medical evaluation. Your physician may recommend analgesics, muscle relaxants, and NSAIDs to reduce inflammation. Some practitioners may use cortisone injections to relieve sciatica, but this is only a short term solution and treatment for pain relief.

2. Therapies

Physiotherapy is effective at improving strength and flexibility. A physical therapist will stretch your back muscles and ease your back pain. This type of treatment will be more effective when paired with low-impact exercises such as cycling and swimming. If your back pain is interfering with everyday activities such as tying your own shoes, getting dressed and working at your desk, it’s possible that your physician or massage therapist may recommend supportive devices.

At Boston Prolotherapy & Orthopedics, we have found an 80-90% success rate in using Prolotherapy for back pain arising from sacroiliac, cervical facet, and interspinous ligament instability. Prolotherapy treatment will promote the rejuvenation of the torn ligament and ease your back pain.